… you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”
Flowers from the garden in mid-January, on a day of wind and tempest and pure blue skies in between. With this photograph, William Morris came to mind, a hero for putting so much meaning into a few life enhancing words.
And then Charles Eames, “The details are not the details. They make the design”….. wouldn’t Morris have loved to talk on from there, and for us to listen in!

Simple things. I love my French stoneware sink, newish, not expensive, but the quality is fantastic and timeless, the plain brass taps, the particular curve and shapes and extraordinary statement of style of the two simple earthenware storage jars, behind them there is a red tray that reminds me of a sunny French market, my bashed about chopping boards which I have had for years, the battered elm worktop by the sink which has such a hard life, the silver lustre jug we handle with much care.
So many memories of finding these over the years, for me they are all very beautiful and most useful. Here are shapes and detail, colour and form, materials and surfaces. Designing gardens all the time, here is inspiration!