Go Dutch!

Day to day moments… Inspiration that just had to be shared!
Wonderful photographs!

Wonderful photographs!

Gardens and plants are so photographic, and here is the proof of it! I so often say, “a photograph is better than a thousand words”. When I am...

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Now is the moment!

Now is the moment!

Not a day to lose, October is bulb planting time and also November! The choice is extraordinary. You can have the most amazing colours of disco...

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Lookout! New website

Lookout! New website

Here is the wonderful Emma DeBanks! who has pulled it all together and it was quite a pull!  Without her, it wouldn’t have been possible.  Micky...

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No problem!

No problem!

This wonderful tree nursery in north Germany moves huge trees as if they were saplings. Everything is possible, and you can see from the second...

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Water Lilies

Water Lilies

Here I am looking small and insignificant in front of one of Monet’s enormous canvases in their gallery in Paris.  The two close up photographs show...

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Seasonal Posts

Right plant, right place!

Right plant, right place!

This is late May, the shadiest darkest corner of my garden which could be just a tip! Ferns, hellebores, foxgloves and brunnera love damp shady spots. In the urn are the fading leaves of Erythronium ‘Pagoda’.

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Apricot Time

Apricot Time

An apricot is not an apricot is not an apricot! But a good apricot is heaven! Delicate, subtle, quiet, and understated, to think of dying without having tasted a good apricot! But oh, what grief! to know your good apricot you have to have tasted disappointing...

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In Norfolk

In Norfolk

Here I am visiting a wholesale nursery in Norfolk where they unusually grow plants in fields, and also on a very large scale beneath the huge East Anglian skies.On a wonderful summers day, there were fields of geraniums, iris, astilbe, salvias, hemerocallis, stachys...

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Fabulous roses

Fabulous roses

“I like my roses to flower into the Autumn, smell fabulous... definitely not red – rather apricots and soft pinks...” So uttered a client 18 years ago when designing his rose parterre garden. Some of these original plants now need replacing, so today I revisited a...

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Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris

Here is a wonderful display of bearded iris at Woottens Plants. A true harbinger of early summer and so glamorous too! Here is Iris ‘Buto’ with the yellow standards of Iris ‘Rajah’ in the background. The flowers are total showstoppers, but not for long so we tend to...

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Pelargonium Paradise

Pelargonium Paradise

The truly glorious pelargonium polytunnel yesterday at one of my favourite plant nurseries, Wootten’s Plants of Wenhaston. Here is Julie with a pot of Pelargonium ‘Pink Capricorn’ ready for their display at the Suffolk County Show this week.Do visit www.woottens.co.uk...

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